A clone of Thomas More, Tom Evermore, contrives fake news to save our ocean
What would Thomas More, author in 1516 of the best-selling book UTOPIA (a hoax) do if he were cloned and given the chance to live again in the 21st century? Thomas More is cloned as Tom Evermore, who deceives the public via an alien conspiracy, code-named SQUID [Security Questions: Unidentified Intrusions & Disappearances] using techno-wizardry to steal secrets from our ocean. Like his twin, Thomas More, it’s deceit for a good cause. This story engages fake news, digital twins, immersive entertainment, AR, VR, drones, drugs, facial recognition, new foods, quantified self-monitors, robotics, self-driving cars, surveillance, and inventions not yet conceived. Inspired by The Minority Report, SQUID aims to show the peril and promise of future technology.

If a young Sylvia Earle met a clone of Thomas More, Tom Evermore, would she convince him to conceive a 21st century version of his best-selling hoax, the book UTOPIA (1516)? Challenge: Deceive the public with fake news. Save the ocean. And save us from ourselves.
An alien angel Cassandra (Ra Conté) discloses the aliens’ secret agenda.

Tom Evermore, clone of Thomas More, pursues his delusion that VR and cloning can replicate what we’ve destroyed.

In his Virtual Reality Theater, Tom can zoom back into history and forward into the future.

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“By polluting the oceans, not mitigating CO2 emissions, and destroying our biodiversity, we are killing our planet. Let us face it. There is no planet B.”
Emmanuel Macron,
President of France