^ Program
• Round Table Working Groups
• Astrobiology Colloquia
• NASA U Network
• Collaborative Web Environment
• Cross-Disciplinary Group Projects
• Program Evaluation and Assessment
Lead: Zann Gill with Donald James
The NASA University (NASA U) Hub promotes coherence and synergy across astrobiology educational programs at NASA. The preceding chart shows four primary domains of NASA U:
- NASA Missions,
- Space Science,
- Earth/Life Science,
- Computational Science and Biotechnology
The coordinating hub for these four domains is surrounded by eight thematic modules (spokes), reflecting the Astrobiology Roadmap.
- Habitable Environments
- Prebiotic Chemistry
- Origin of Life
- Early Earth
- Limits of Life
- Futures of Life
- Biosignatures
- Science and Technology for Life in Space
In any given year theme(s) emphasized will depend on Research Associates and
PI interest. The hub supports the spokes, enabling NASA Uto grow its modular
network gradually and to run a successful program comprised of those modules
that best match Research Associates’ interests.
The hub of the NASA U focuses on
- creating a flagship for “One NASA in Education”;
- providing a coordinating umbrella to promote excellence in, and communication among, astrobiology educational programs at NASA;
- providing resources and adding value to educational programs across the Agency;
- using the thematic foci to achieve diversity, coherence,
and integration across the range of disciplines that contribute to NASA Missions.
The collaborative hub of NASA U
- implements a framework for NASA-University education and piloting an approach
relevant for other programs at NASA;
- facilitates communication about NASA U;
- runs Round Tables and Colloquia, enlisting external talent;
- coordinats ongoing planning;
- recruits outstanding talent;
- promotes the achievements of NASA U-associated scientists, mentors, alumni etc.;
- coordinates admissions and assessment;
- evolves NASA U's University Network;
- supports intellectual interchange between NASA and its wider community, e.g. exchange among faculty developing astrobiology curriculum at universities.